GNOSIS LOOM \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ G N O S I S presents ########## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### T H E M U S I C O F G N /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ his "music-disk" should contain: README.TXT (this file) TALES01.S3M TALES02.S3M TALES03.S3M TALES04.S3M TALES05.S3M TALES06.S3M ------ or playback of the tunes you shou ------ MPORTANT: he Tale tunes were created using ery strongly that you use ST3 to eemes NOT to play the tunes back ou and me a favour and use ST3, t bit about using and copying this ou can copy this music freely to ant, but without claiming any mon tandard no-copy-for-profit-messag earn it or go lame. f you want to use the music, fine hatever your into, but do two thi . credit me . send me the product f there is any group who need a m ind I won't compose much before n reak and puts me in an office tog ou can leave a message at the int l tt l ss tales a e aa ee ow about the music. The six tunes e kept together. Make sure that a here's no player, no selector, no nd hey, it's the music that count very tune is composed in mono, an pologize for this, but my soundca t won't work in stereo. Therefore LAYBACK, they'll only sound bad w ith the stereo-option. ALES01: FAEERYTALE (hypno edit) 2 his tune's a bit of a hypnotrance he background is repeating quite f variation. This tune, among man oud, with loadsa bass. The hypno ittle monitorspeakers. Hook your ule your sonic world for a minute he samples are mainly from the JV urzweil K2000 or commerciale sour EAL tune, but I somehow ended up f you want, you can call FAEERYTA ALES02: GALOONIA (ambient edit) 3 aking the tune a bit of a weirdo ucking valse rythm! The wonderful rogramming the solo instrs, but e ogether with a little speed-trick ut the programming part was a bit he two chords used, speaking of a onderful. Together with the amby hich opens up for a few little so he usual synths provide the sound ALES03: LOOM (sympho-comm mix) 3: definetely the most commerci f remindes me of cheap dance musi hemselves. A bit of Jam and Spoon ut sorry, no awesome video. The t o have in mind it's finished in a ays. he samples are definetely from Wa ounds in the intro part are sampl ommercials. Give the tune a bit o ALES04: MINDPRINT (long version) nspired by the book series "Rings ss with strait songs. It's rather demo better then a musical liste rive in the tune. Get ready for a he enormous amount of samples in olands. Turn-it-on is taken from rom some baaad movie. If you ever ON music, then love the lead line ALES05: NEUROPTIC (sympho mix) 2: ot much to say. No beat, no drums ouldn't get the drums to work in pologies for the rotten ratio bet amples: JV80, Juno106, SR, K2000. ALES06: SWAT 2:16 he least tune of the six, and the ackground, strait lead. Strait tu ery normal tune, one who could al hen they heard it. It carries a s ike most of the Tale tunes. It mo he other tunes follow, with its s mpls: Wavestation SR, JV80 --- bout Tales: he music of Gnosis is not like th ort of good music with very much uch of the Others music is actual he music of Gnosis is different. ynths, though ripped sounds are n ike you go "hey, that sound was u e also think that timbre is as im tmospheres with timbres is fun, a hereafter. Gnosis makes the tunes atterns, but more like stories. T ever repeat themselves. He do not neverchanging background and a h nd if You don't know what the wor iden your horizon... who wrote this Crap? ive me word if you hate me. Or if alk music. Or if you think the Wr ant to exchange music, ideas, smp s... isle M. M. v.stemmma 43 -5084 TERTNES ORWAY r, you could leave a message to m Or, if you dloaded this mdisk fro essage to user KNUT_ARNE VEDAA. H ////\\\\\/\//\/\\/\\///\/\///\\\\ million thanx must be sent to Kn he waves, Sound Creator, and soon an't wait, dude! --- EOF